No Place for Discrimination
We were happy to read in Haaretz.com the article by Or Kashti on the decision regarding cancellation of the racist separation in the...

We Need Your Help!
After crossing the dreadful border with Egypt, the first encounter asylum seekers had with Israel were the Israeli soldiers. We often...

Bootcamp Graduates!
We are very excited to share great news; two of the students who completed the coding course at Developers.Institute are embarking on a...

Empowerment Through Coding
"HTML was the most interesting for me because it gave me the skills necessary to start to build a website and I found that very...

Manicure/Pedicure Graduate Celebration!
It was so fun to spend the day with the graduates of the manicure/pedicure course. We are honoured that the women came to ARDC, and...

Mission for Math Mastered :)
Congratulations to all the students who have completed the ARDC Maths GED Course! It is truly worth celebrating your hard work and...

GED Obstacles Overcome
Some of you may remember our post from last year - where we shared the wonderful news that GED Testing Service - Home of the GED...

Yullia School Graduates
What a wonderful day it is- today the amazingly talented students graduated from their course at the prestigious Yullia School - יוליה...